PS 29 PTA Charity Auction

I'm proud to announce that I've donated two 3D Portraits in Large Duratex as part of the PS 29 PTA Charity Auction this year.  My daughter is in kindergarten there and it's absolutely amazing how much the PTA does for the students. From additional teachers in the classrooms to extensive after-school activities and camps to supplies, the PTA really steps up to fill in where the city's Education budget has been cut.

Anyway, I hope that everyone will take a look at the auction site and bid for my items as well as all the other great stuff that's being offered. I don't have the web site or details yet, but I will post them as soon as I find out.


The Home Stretch!

I got the insurance sorted yesterday, and I'm all set up for taking credit cards now. I'm working on a logo, business cards, brochure, etc. And I'm revising and editing the web site. I'm really eager to open for business, but there seems to be a million little things to take care of first.

I'm trying out a site called where for $5 (starting price) you can people to do a lot of regular and sometimes weird stuff. I'm looking for logo design ideas, but there are people on there who will write you a song or paint your message on their back for $5. Too strange!

Also, I just saw that the domain name will be expiring soon. I'm hoping to grab it when it does. Right now it just redirects to someone's static pages of photographs that hasn't changed in a long time. Not a great use of the URL. It would be nice to have a shorter name, but these days it seems like all the obvious ones are taken.

I'm planning on setting myself up on all the social media sites: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. That's probably my next step.

Nearly There!

Wow have I been busy!  I don't think I've even 3D printed anything in the last few days. I've been working on the web site, and talking to an army of lawyers, accountants, bankers and insurance brokers getting everything ready. Well, maybe not an army but a few.

Everything is coming together beautifully. I think I might even be ready to start seeing clients as early as next week.

I'm using for the web site, and I must say that it's been really easy to work with. I did hit a couple of snags and the 24/7 service team was right there with answers. I'd recommend it to anyone looking to put together a nice looking website quickly and easily. And its got tons of functionality that I haven't even touched yet.

I just finished reading the 2014 edition of Make Magazine's 3D printing round up. I had read the previous 2013 edition as well. I'm amazed at the wealth of fun and useful information both of those contained. Even for someone experienced with 3D printing like myself there was a lot of new and inspiring stuff in there.

I couldn't get the calendar function that gives you to work the way I wanted, but I did figure out how to embed my Google calendar in the site, so keep your eye on that and on this blog for the latest information about my progress.

Bye for now!


Countdown to Opening!

Hi Everybody!

Welcome to the 3D Portraits Brooklyn blog.

This is so exciting.  After almost a year of R&D, I'm almost ready to open up my studio and start doing 3D portraits for the public.  Everything is nearly ready.  It's amazing how much work there is in starting up a business.  Today I was working with my lawyer, accountant and insurance guy to get everything squared away.  Sometimes I'm so busy with business stuff that I barely have any time to work on the 3D portraits themselves!

Anyway, watch this space for more updates and information about when the studio will be open for business.  And check out the Gallery page to see what kinds of things I've been up to.

Take care,
