The Home Stretch!

I got the insurance sorted yesterday, and I'm all set up for taking credit cards now. I'm working on a logo, business cards, brochure, etc. And I'm revising and editing the web site. I'm really eager to open for business, but there seems to be a million little things to take care of first.

I'm trying out a site called where for $5 (starting price) you can people to do a lot of regular and sometimes weird stuff. I'm looking for logo design ideas, but there are people on there who will write you a song or paint your message on their back for $5. Too strange!

Also, I just saw that the domain name will be expiring soon. I'm hoping to grab it when it does. Right now it just redirects to someone's static pages of photographs that hasn't changed in a long time. Not a great use of the URL. It would be nice to have a shorter name, but these days it seems like all the obvious ones are taken.

I'm planning on setting myself up on all the social media sites: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. That's probably my next step.